Is Your Corporate Identity Design Flawless? – Ask These Questions First

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Your business brochure, logo or website helps in reinforcing your corporate identity. Therefore, these should be professionally designed to establish a successful business image. It is the design that can make or break the image of your company. You will mar the brand image of your company if your corporate identity design is messy, cluttered or confusing. Then, how will you ascertain whether it is right or wrong ! Ask the following questions to get at the truth. What about The Choice of Colors? Color plays a significant role in determining the success of your business identity. Not only should it be relevant to the theme of your business, but also used intelligently. Be it your logo or brochure, do not pick out more than two colors. As far as logos are concerned, use of multiple colors is a strict no. That’s because a logo is a small symbolism of your company. Therefore avoid making it look like a rainbow ! Using several or non-related colors lessen the impact of the logo. As a result, your corporate identity will perform miserably. The corporate image should be meaningful, clean, and appealing. You should choose colors that have been used in your all your promotional materials. You can opt for contrasting hues so that it stands, and make it memorable. Is Your Design Too Difficult to Decipher? Why are you in business? Have you ever asked this simple question to yourself? You are in business because you want to earn money. That’s obvious, but in order to have a flourishing business, you have to satisfy your targeted audience or customers. Your customers will have a better understanding of your products and services if you have simple graphics integrated in your marketing materials such as brochures, pamphlets or flyers. Any thing that is too complex is not professional, and will leave customers dissatisfied. As far as your brochure designing is concerned, readers will not like to have a look at it, if the information is presented in a cluttered manner. Long paragraphs about your company history and products will fail to create any impact. It should be simple, alluring, and easy to understand. Product benefits in a brochure is more readable if they are highlighted using bullets instead of paragraphs. It will make your prospects easily remember your brand. Is The Tagline Right? Taglines matter as far as brand identity is concerned. It should be a catch phrase that instantly describes the benefit of your products. If this catch phrase is too generic, then it’s time to think about it seriously. Ask your copywriter to think of something that best describes your business. Is It Pertinent to Business? The brochure or logo should have designs that are relevant to your business theme. It it doesn’t match with the business model, your audience will be confused. And if your targeted customers doesn’t understand what your business is all about, then the true image of your company cannot be reflected. Make sure the graphic design artist have a clear understanding of your company, the products, and the target audience. Only then your corporate design would be meaningful and relevant. If you have any more ideas, please comment.

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